QUESTION: What is the Rev. S. Howard Woodson Family Life Center (SHW-FLC)?
ANSWER: The SHW-FLC is Imperative #11 of Vision 2020 proposed by Reverend Darrell L. Armstrong and was adopted by Shiloh Baptist Church (Shiloh) on December 14, 2013. It is the first brick and mortar initiative of Vision 2020 and it will benefit Shiloh and the greater community, especially children and youth, to the glory of God.

QUESTION: How will the SHW-FLC benefit Shiloh?
ANSWER: The Rev. Dr. S. Howard Woodson, Jr. Family Life Center (SHW-FLC) is an important First Phase of several anticipated phases of physical development for a “family life campus” supporting VISION 2020. This new building will provide additional physical space for Shiloh’s internal ministry needs and community-based programs. The new 2-story, multi-use facility will have 36,000 sq. ft. of programming space. Construction of the facility will be the manifestation of a compelling, compassionate holistic mission to make available programs and projects that will impact the physical, mental, spiritual and economic health of Shiloh families as well as the broader Trenton community.

QUESTION: How will the SHW-FLC benefit the community?
ANSWER: For the purpose of Kingdom building, Shiloh Baptist Church and friends will build the Rev. Dr. S. Howard Woodson, Jr. Family Life Center for the creation of:
• Jobs and Job Training
• Community Recreation
• Good Health and Wellness and,
• Arts and Education
All for the purpose of fortifying the community in a spiritual environment to the Glory of GOD, this kingdom building initiative is spiritually-driven by our mantra, JESUS CHRIST GAVE ALL (J-C-G-A) as noted above. We are encouraged to give back a just portion of talents and our gifts to further the work of God’s Kingdom.

QUESTION: When will the SHW-FLC be completed?
ANSWER: The SHW-FLC is anticipated to be completed by the end of 2017. The congregation, donors, and the community will be kept informed of the progress of this significant and exciting project on a regular basis.

QUESTION: Will Shiloh incur debt to build the SHW-FLC?
ANSWER: Through the prayerful consideration and faithful donation of the congregation and community to the center’s $6 million dollar capital campaign, it is Shiloh’s goal to end the building phase of this initiative in a debt free position. Further, it is expected that the SHW-FLC will generate the revenues needed to sustain itself financially.

QUESTION: Will Shiloh own the SHW-FLC?
ANSWER: Yes. Shiloh Baptist Church will fully own the SHW-FLC.

QUESTION: How do I give to the SHW-FLC $6 million dollar capital campaign?
ANSWER: You will be able to make a faith commitment through a solicitation packet where you will submit your commitment in a sealed envelope or you can make your commitment directly through the secure Donor Perfect website found at There are many flexible options for making your actual contribution so that you can determine the way that is most comfortable for you and your family.

QUESTION: When should I plan to give to the Reverend S. Howard Woodson, Jr. Family Life Center?
ANSWER: Solicitation of your 3-year, faith driven commitment will begin in February 2015 and continue over several months. Announcements will be made when solicitation packets will be available to the congregation and friends.

QUESTION: How will I receive updates on the project once I donate?
ANSWER: Project updates will be made available in a variety of ways. Initially, you will receive updates through pulpit updates and after March 2015 you can also access information about the campaign through the campaign website: or by contacting the steering committee in person or by making a request to

QUESTION: What is Donor Perfect and is it secure?
ANSWER: Donor perfect is a flexible software package with integrated credit card and electronic payment processing tools. It was chosen to be the fundraising software for the $6 million dollar capital campaign because it is a complete solution encompassing all critical aspects of donor management and fundraising. Most importantly, it is simple to use and to navigate.

QUESTION: Who has access to the information about my faith commitment?
ANSWER: Details around your faith commitment will be kept in a highly secure software program called Donor Perfect. Access to this tool is limited to a small, select number of officers of Shiloh Baptist Church.

QUESTION: Is my faith commitment tax deductible?
ANSWER: Yes. Your faith commitment is an eligible for tax deduction. The SHW-FLC qualifies for nonprofit status. Please contact your tax preparer for specific direction on handling deductions.

QUESTION: What happens if my circumstances change after I make my 3 year faith commitment?
ANSWER: Should your circumstances change for the positive or the negative, you are always free to adjust your commitment accordingly by requesting another commitment form at and resubmitting your confidential envelop to the SBC Pastor mailbox or to your solicitor.

QUESTION: Who will have oversight over the funds collected to build the SHW-FLC?
ANSWER: All faith commitments collected in support of building the SHW-FLC will be under strict supervision of the SBC Finance Committee. The committee will report on the Capital Campaign budget quarterly. A copy of the budget can be requested through

QUESTION: Will information about my faith commitment be kept confidential?
ANSWER: YES. Just as giving of any kind is highly confidential at Shiloh, all faith commitments to the $6 million dollar capital campaign will be held in the same strict confidence.

QUESTION: If I have questions not covered in the FAQ, who should I ask?
ANSWER: Any questions not covered in this document can be directed to or by asking any of the steering committee members.